Centre Round Up August 2021

In News, Uncategorised by Sarah Cobb

We have had another busy few months across all Reach centres.

At Flower Pod Southwell we have been busy arranging and delivering some beautiful bouquets for gifts, weddings and events as well as keeping active on our regular walks around the Brackenhurst Campus.

At Reach Southwell we have been learning about the Olympics and even hosted our own Mini Olympics. We also enjoyed stories with Story Teller Nicky Rafferty in the newly restored Chapter House at Southwell Minster.

We have been non-stop with our fun filled weeks of activities from baking, crafts, music, exercise, computers and so much more at Reach Newark.

At Flower Pod Newark we have been celebrating with end of term certificates of achievements and have been working hard on the garden. We have been nurturing and harvesting our vegetables and learning about herbs. We are also very excited to be receiving a new building soon. A place to provide shelter from the rain and sun as well as warmth and facilities, plus running water and electricity.

At Reach Mansfield we thoroughly enjoyed the fresh air at our first picnic since Covid. We also managed to get out and enjoy some bowling too for the first time in a long while.

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