Emma's Story

Emma is one of our new clients at Flower Pod. She is accompanied by her twin sister Aynsley, who supports Emma during sessions. When Emma first started, she was incredibly shy, and would only sit with her sister for lunch and during activities. Now Emma is fully integrated with the group, well-settled in her routine and actively participates in our ‘Plant to Plate’ themed activities and discussions which include cooking, crafts, art and gardening. Emma is a real asset to the group – with a wonderful sense of humour she makes us all laugh. The group has formed friendships and Emma is really missed when she is not there.

Flower Pod has given Emma more confidence to access her community, creating talking-points with other groups. She enjoys activities at home that are linked to things we have done in a session. For example, at home she produced a picture of a scarecrow, which she was excited to bring to her next session to show us. Emma feels that coming to Flower Pod helps her to be more active – she particularly enjoys when we walk to the cricket club to water the hanging baskets there.

Both Emma and Aynsley agree that patience shown by staff and volunteers, taking time to get to know Emma, has helped her to settle in so well. Staff adapt to support her specific needs; giving her time to process ideas and showing an interest in what she has to contribute; offering choices and listening to suggestions for future activities. Emma’s goal is to arrive early for her session so that she can have lunch with her Flower Pod friends.

“Flower Pod has been the contribution to Emma’s big smile” – Aynsley, Emma’s sister

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