Lindsay's Story

“I have been coming to Reach for about two years.
I originally started as a client, but then began volunteering at the Reach Newark centre. I help set up, serve refreshments, support service users and pack away. The best thing about volunteering at Reach is meeting my friends, learning new skills and having a chat.

“I really like the staff at Reach and enjoy helping them and my friends. I feel useful helping the staff and like being part of a team helping everyone.

“My favourite sessions are music, bingo, Zumba, gardening and the adventure group.”

“Lindsay really enjoys volunteering at Reach. She loves helping others and being given the opportunity to volunteer has increased her confidence and encouraged her to try new things.

“Volunteering has been really positive for Lindsay and she is always very keen to come to Reach and meet the staff and her friends.”
Alaric, Lindsay’s Dad